Politics in New York is a rough and tumble thing; the intrigue of Albany permeates our state, leaving no hamlet free from the taint of Tammany Hall. Eastern Long Island is no exception. Smithtown, however, though not immune from political intrigue, has proven to be a model of republican governance and of principled, conservative leadership throughout the past decade.
Smithtown Republican Party Chairman Bill Ellis has successfully combined an innate political savvy with a learned philosophical integrity that has produced a class of elected officials second to none in New York. Mike Fitzpatrick and John Flanagan, Smithtown’s representatives in the State’s Assembly and Senate respectively, have consistently espoused a message of limited government, fiscal responsibility and tax-reform that is both refreshing and necessary in a state on the brink of insolvency. Smithtown residents should take pride in their representatives’ commitment to public service. From the legendary pragmatic-conservatism of Town Supervisor Patrick Vecchio, to the tireless efforts of County Legislator John M. Kennedy Jr., our elected officials have continually fought to improve our way of life and have brought hope to a state otherwise entrenched in endless demagoguery.
No one represents this political skullduggery more than 1st district Congressman Tim Bishop. The incumbent Democrat has consistently voted in lockstep with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, irrespective of the consequences for Long Islanders. He has publicly professed his belief that tax cuts are the cause of our current economic crisis, reflecting his conviction that the inverse is also true; tax increases are his solution to fiscal calamity. This would be consistent with his yea vote on Obama-Care, his approval of “Cap and Trade” and his defense of tax-hikes on businesses. These votes and endorsements have earned Bishop points with the Democrat elites and have been rewarded with lucrative fundraisers hosted by top members of the Obama White House. Whether Congressman Bishop’s motives are political or ideological, I can only speculate, but the immense cash reserves he has acquired as a result of this party obedience creates a great obstacle for those who seek to oppose him. And so are the ways of politics; money talks and principles walk; but alas, not so in Smithtown.
Republican Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick has entered the race of 2010 in opposition to Congressman Bishop; a four-way September primary will decide the Republican Party’s endorsement. While Fitzpatrick faces a daunting task in keeping up financially with his opponents, this adversity has merely served to strengthen the resolve of his candidacy. He is a member of Suffolk County’s middle class and a conduit of the will of his constituency. Having been born and raised in the district that he seeks to represent, Fitzpatrick is a pragmatic, conservative candidate with a record of political integrity. If ever a party had the ability and resources to assist in spreading his message, the Smithtown Republicans are it. Its leaders are proficiently trained and its members are uniquely motivated to fight this uphill battle. They can be counted on to prevail and to do all within their power to insure a Fitzpatrick victory in both the primary and general elections.
As Smithtown has long been a bastion of conservatism in a state with liberal pluralities, this town now has a chance to extend its influence beyond the New York borders. Mike Fitzpatrick will bring to Washington the high moral standard and philosophical fortitude representative of Smithtown Republicans. He will usher into Congress a conservative, grassroots movement based on the reforms and common sense solutions Long Islanders have grown to expect. The Fitzpatrick factor will set a tone for New York devoid of political intrigue and will undoubtedly establish a foothold in our nation’s capitol. New York will reassert its integrity on the national stage and Smithtown will lead the way.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
A quest for the Coservative dream: Tax Cuts, Fiscal Conservation & Maximum Individual Freedoms Consistent with Law & Order
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Futility Of Milking A Bull
Try as you may, you can’t get milk from a bull; this old proverb reflects the inflexibility of natural law and the futility of attempting to alter it. Now let us presume the bull to be the Obama Administration and the milk to be a thriving national economy; the result remains the same. Americans are now coming to terms with the fact that it will most likely take a new Congress, Senate and President to initiate the types of policies necessary to reignite our economy and to reaffirm capitalism in our nation. In the meanwhile, however, there are many steps that the states can take to ease economic hardship and to promote regional growth. This November, New Yorkers will have a chance to reseat or replace elected officials at virtually every level of our state’s government. From the Governor to the Legislature to the Attorney General, our citizens’ decisions at the ballot box will likely decide between the future prosperity and the imminent degradation of our state’s fiscal well being.
New York State is facing a $9 billion deficit, causing many conservative-minded candidates to focus on cuts in spending and reductions in waste to close this extraordinary gap. Some political aspirants are calling for reforms in our state’s pension and Medicaid systems and for caps on property tax increases. These steps are both necessary and proper in reforming New York’s economy, but more will be required to truly achieve a thriving and prosperous infrastructure.
Undoubtedly, the largest problem facing New Yorkers today is one that few candidates have addressed or have offered plans to remedy. This problem is that of jobs or, more precisely, a lack thereof. New York State’s tendency to tax its businesses and corporations in order to quench its insatiable thirst for revenue is counterproductive and remarkable in its lack of foresight. Many of our elected officials possess a knee-jerk reaction to raise taxes on industry whenever they encounter an obstacle to spending. This “tax the rich” philosophy only serves to hinder business growth and to limit capital investment. It offers no prospect of future economic development. New York has become a state aloof to private sector expansion and to the needs of its investing class despite its reputation as the economic engine of the world. As businesses and corporations are forced to pay an ever-increasing proportion of the state’s accumulating debt, they will inevitably pass down their costs to the consumers and to the shareholders they represent. As their profit margins shrink with impunity, they have no choice but to reduce wages, to downsize their workforce and to raise the costs of their respective products. This, of course, leads to less available capital for all involved parties and to a decrease in sales tax revenue. Because New York’s business, corporate and payroll taxes have steadily increased over past decades, countless New Yorkers have migrated south in search of a better life. As these people leave the state, with them go their property and sales tax revenues. This drop in state funding is inevitably replaced with higher business tax rates. Any fair-minded observer will readily conclude that this vicious cycle of wealth reapportionment can only lead to the eventual insolvency of the state.
The elimination of New York’s corporate tax, Mass Transit Authority tax and other payroll, investment and group-profit taxes is essential to its future prosperity. By removing the economic shackles from the state’s industries and investors, our elected officials could instantly revive a faltering New York economy and reestablish its dominance in the world market. As our businesses grow, both in quantity and in scope, so would our jobs, our wages and our population. This, of course, would generate more revenue for the state than its current archaic arrangement.
We should no longer tolerate our politicians’ claims of devotion to job creation as they pursue a course of action detrimental to those who create them. Our government’s policy of extracting from businesses what is rightfully theirs is illogical and may eventually produce an incurable economic crisis. Conversely, if New York’s election of 2010 ushers in a new breed of politician who is willing to truly reform our state, then our future opportunities will be limitless. Responsible spending, reductions in waste, reforms of antiquated state systems, and elimination of the corporate and the payroll tax, will enable New York to prosper in spite of our President’s destructive agenda. Though many things are coming out of the Obama Administration’s policy of fiscal malfeasance, none of it is milk; it falls on our state to clean up the mess. A choice between a greater, more prosperous New York and a federally dependent welfare state is upon us; all candidates for office should be carefully scrutinized for their dedication to New York and for their plans to revive its economy. If we are not mindful of whom we support this November, we will continue to be fed what we have already been subjected to for decades - just another line of bull.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
New York State is facing a $9 billion deficit, causing many conservative-minded candidates to focus on cuts in spending and reductions in waste to close this extraordinary gap. Some political aspirants are calling for reforms in our state’s pension and Medicaid systems and for caps on property tax increases. These steps are both necessary and proper in reforming New York’s economy, but more will be required to truly achieve a thriving and prosperous infrastructure.
Undoubtedly, the largest problem facing New Yorkers today is one that few candidates have addressed or have offered plans to remedy. This problem is that of jobs or, more precisely, a lack thereof. New York State’s tendency to tax its businesses and corporations in order to quench its insatiable thirst for revenue is counterproductive and remarkable in its lack of foresight. Many of our elected officials possess a knee-jerk reaction to raise taxes on industry whenever they encounter an obstacle to spending. This “tax the rich” philosophy only serves to hinder business growth and to limit capital investment. It offers no prospect of future economic development. New York has become a state aloof to private sector expansion and to the needs of its investing class despite its reputation as the economic engine of the world. As businesses and corporations are forced to pay an ever-increasing proportion of the state’s accumulating debt, they will inevitably pass down their costs to the consumers and to the shareholders they represent. As their profit margins shrink with impunity, they have no choice but to reduce wages, to downsize their workforce and to raise the costs of their respective products. This, of course, leads to less available capital for all involved parties and to a decrease in sales tax revenue. Because New York’s business, corporate and payroll taxes have steadily increased over past decades, countless New Yorkers have migrated south in search of a better life. As these people leave the state, with them go their property and sales tax revenues. This drop in state funding is inevitably replaced with higher business tax rates. Any fair-minded observer will readily conclude that this vicious cycle of wealth reapportionment can only lead to the eventual insolvency of the state.
The elimination of New York’s corporate tax, Mass Transit Authority tax and other payroll, investment and group-profit taxes is essential to its future prosperity. By removing the economic shackles from the state’s industries and investors, our elected officials could instantly revive a faltering New York economy and reestablish its dominance in the world market. As our businesses grow, both in quantity and in scope, so would our jobs, our wages and our population. This, of course, would generate more revenue for the state than its current archaic arrangement.
We should no longer tolerate our politicians’ claims of devotion to job creation as they pursue a course of action detrimental to those who create them. Our government’s policy of extracting from businesses what is rightfully theirs is illogical and may eventually produce an incurable economic crisis. Conversely, if New York’s election of 2010 ushers in a new breed of politician who is willing to truly reform our state, then our future opportunities will be limitless. Responsible spending, reductions in waste, reforms of antiquated state systems, and elimination of the corporate and the payroll tax, will enable New York to prosper in spite of our President’s destructive agenda. Though many things are coming out of the Obama Administration’s policy of fiscal malfeasance, none of it is milk; it falls on our state to clean up the mess. A choice between a greater, more prosperous New York and a federally dependent welfare state is upon us; all candidates for office should be carefully scrutinized for their dedication to New York and for their plans to revive its economy. If we are not mindful of whom we support this November, we will continue to be fed what we have already been subjected to for decades - just another line of bull.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
American Might & The War On Terror
Say what you will about former President George W. Bush, the facts of his tenure are irrefutable. Fate placed him as Commander-In-Chief of the United States at the time of the most horrific attack on American soil in our nation’s history. This act of war shaped his nascent presidency and transformed him into America’s first terror-warrior. George Bush initiated an American response to the attacks of September 11th, 2001 that was bold and offensive in nature and remained as such throughout his presidency. The toppling of two, terrorist-friendly regimes in the wake of these attacks sent a clear message to the world that America is a force to be reckoned with. Although leaders of rogue nations throughout the Middle East are quick to forfeit the lives of their subjects through acts of cowardly suicide bombings, they will think twice before acting on impulses that might result in their own demise. The ongoing policy of the Bush administration to actively seek and to relentlessly destroy the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism was directly responsible for insuring the safety of Americans throughout his stay in office.
President Obama, upon taking the oath of office, immediately changed the course of America’s foreign policy. He initiated a more defensive strategy on terrorism and a more conciliatory posture toward the nations who supported it. As a result, Iran, the most pro-terrorist/anti-American nation in the world, no longer has fear of American power. It has demonstrated this by mocking the President’s ineffectual threats of sanctions for its nuclear programs and by funneling increasing amounts of funds and supplies to terrorist networks such as Hamas and Hezbollah. These supplies are then readily transferred to their respective cells within the United States. Last week’s near-miss car bombing in New York’s Times Square, coupled with the “Christmas Day Bomber” and the “Fort Hood Massacre”, is further proof of the newfound emboldenment of the Mujahidin in America. The reactions of the President to these terrorist plots have, thus far, been weak and evasive. He appears hesitant to place blame where it belongs - on the terrorists and the nations that support them.
The President must toughen his stance on terrorism and the regimes that foster it, and he must do so soon. He can no longer profess to be a President of peace in an era of Islamic-jihadism which is dedicated to the destruction of this country. He must make it clear to all nations who are sympathetic to terrorists, that if America is attacked, he will follow the lead of his predecessor and unleash upon them the full might of the United States military. Iran, Syria, Lebanon and their ilk must be made to understand that if Americans die at the hands of terrorists, the consequences for their involvement will be so severe as to render their acts suicidal.
Peace through strength is the only reasonable path to victory in America’s war on terror. George Bush was keenly aware of this and we can only hope that President Obama will take heed of the former President’s success. Though Obama has heretofore presented himself as the “Anti-Bush” President, some things are simply too important to politicize. As President, he is charged with the protection of our nation; America’s military might is his most valuable asset in fulfilling this constitutional role. The Obama policy of appeasement in the face of aggression and timidity in reaction to threats is dangerous to America and, if continued, will represent a clear dereliction of his duty as President. American might is the key to victory in the war on terror; it is both an effective deterrent and a legitimate tool in the defense of American sovereignty. President Obama must embrace the policies of his predecessor in response to terrorist threats or we may be destined to a future where attacks become commonplace and fear becomes the norm. Americans are a people of perseverance and strength. We elect presidents to reflect these qualities and to defend our ways of life. The Obama inclination of evasion over action and of rhetoric over results only serves to jeopardize our safety at home and to embolden our enemies abroad.
President Obama, upon taking the oath of office, immediately changed the course of America’s foreign policy. He initiated a more defensive strategy on terrorism and a more conciliatory posture toward the nations who supported it. As a result, Iran, the most pro-terrorist/anti-American nation in the world, no longer has fear of American power. It has demonstrated this by mocking the President’s ineffectual threats of sanctions for its nuclear programs and by funneling increasing amounts of funds and supplies to terrorist networks such as Hamas and Hezbollah. These supplies are then readily transferred to their respective cells within the United States. Last week’s near-miss car bombing in New York’s Times Square, coupled with the “Christmas Day Bomber” and the “Fort Hood Massacre”, is further proof of the newfound emboldenment of the Mujahidin in America. The reactions of the President to these terrorist plots have, thus far, been weak and evasive. He appears hesitant to place blame where it belongs - on the terrorists and the nations that support them.
The President must toughen his stance on terrorism and the regimes that foster it, and he must do so soon. He can no longer profess to be a President of peace in an era of Islamic-jihadism which is dedicated to the destruction of this country. He must make it clear to all nations who are sympathetic to terrorists, that if America is attacked, he will follow the lead of his predecessor and unleash upon them the full might of the United States military. Iran, Syria, Lebanon and their ilk must be made to understand that if Americans die at the hands of terrorists, the consequences for their involvement will be so severe as to render their acts suicidal.
Peace through strength is the only reasonable path to victory in America’s war on terror. George Bush was keenly aware of this and we can only hope that President Obama will take heed of the former President’s success. Though Obama has heretofore presented himself as the “Anti-Bush” President, some things are simply too important to politicize. As President, he is charged with the protection of our nation; America’s military might is his most valuable asset in fulfilling this constitutional role. The Obama policy of appeasement in the face of aggression and timidity in reaction to threats is dangerous to America and, if continued, will represent a clear dereliction of his duty as President. American might is the key to victory in the war on terror; it is both an effective deterrent and a legitimate tool in the defense of American sovereignty. President Obama must embrace the policies of his predecessor in response to terrorist threats or we may be destined to a future where attacks become commonplace and fear becomes the norm. Americans are a people of perseverance and strength. We elect presidents to reflect these qualities and to defend our ways of life. The Obama inclination of evasion over action and of rhetoric over results only serves to jeopardize our safety at home and to embolden our enemies abroad.
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Jeremy Pitcoff & Governor Mike Huckabee