On the 4th of July, 1776, America celebrated its opening Day of Independence. The official declaration of this independence was authored by Thomas Jefferson. Thenceforth, it has served mankind by acknowledging man’s God-given right to freedom. The American Declaration of Independence is more than a claim of secession by a group of colonies from its motherland; it is a profound and thoughtful treatise on man’s natural right to self government. This theory, though commonplace in the minds of 21st century Americans, was considered radical by the standards of 1776. America’s Founding Fathers drew inspiration from the great thinkers of the European Enlightenment. The writings of John Locke and Edmund Burke firmly established the Founders’ belief in the inalienable rights of humankind. These rights of life, liberty and the lawful pursuit of happiness were as dear to the Founders as the nation they now hoped would promote them. They believed that the role of government was to secure these rights, and that all powers granted to it must be derived from the consent of the governed.
In 1788, after a long and bloody revolution, the Founding Fathers established the United States Constitution. This new American system was specifically designed to ensure the people’s right to self government and to limit the advance of tyranny. It was created as a tool to implement the visions expressed by the Founders in July of 1776.
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln confirmed the supremacy of the Declaration of Independence in a eulogy to fallen heroes. In his Gettysburg Address, the President explained how eighty-seven years prior, on the 4th of July, the Founders had established a nation “conceived in liberty” and “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”. The Civil War, though catastrophic in its effects, was a necessary evil which would serve to further realize the dreams of the Declaration.
This week we celebrate the 234th anniversary of American Independence. Throughout these years our nation has steadily advanced the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers. With each passing generation of Americans, these dreams move closer to becoming a reality. Great leaders and political movements have overcome incredible odds to achieve this heroic task. Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers have perished to defend these principles and to initiate their application abroad. Scores of leaders have risked their lives to ensure these realities at home. Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, George Marshall and Susan B. Anthony are just a few examples of countless Americans who have dedicated their lives to advance the human condition and to promote the cause of Independence.
This week, as we celebrate America’s independence as a nation, let us be mindful that we also celebrate mankind’s independence from tyranny. Let us not be troubled by the current state of our cause, for it is within our power to reverse it. Let us find strength to defend our liberties, even as our government seeks to diminish them. Let us find solace in our ability to spread freedom, even as our enemies seek to destroy it. As we are a nation born of war, in pursuit of man’s natural rights, let us take pride in our country’s accomplishments thus far and find the will to continue the fight. Each generation of Americans has a duty to further invest in their freedom. This 4th of July, let us solemnly swear that we will not grow complacent in our cause; that we will fight to advance the human condition, as did generations before us.
As Thomas Jefferson famously said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” We must retain this vigilance or suffer the consequences. It is imperative that our generation speak out against the dangers of big government rule, for tyranny can only exist when people of good conscience remain silent. Although the price of freedom is exceedingly high, it is our duty to ensure its survival.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
A quest for the Coservative dream: Tax Cuts, Fiscal Conservation & Maximum Individual Freedoms Consistent with Law & Order
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Rebellion From Within
“Wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.” Thomas Jefferson feared that government infringement upon the people’s right to the freedoms of commerce and of trade, would eventually destroy our republic. Free market capitalism and American democracy are forever and permanently linked. One cannot exist without the other. America is the only government, known to man, specifically designed to limit its own influence. Our elected leaders are subject to the approval of the public and beholden to the will of their constituencies. Virtually every word written in the U.S. Constitution demonstrates the Founder’s intent to protect the American people from tyranny. Freedom of commerce was considered to be as essential to our democracy as any of the more celebrated liberties.
Article 1, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, enumerates the specific and limited powers granted to the federal Congress. The Senate and the House of Representatives are allowed the ability to create all laws deemed “necessary and proper” for carrying into execution these limited powers. This “necessary and proper” clause was worded as such, due to the Founding Fathers’ belief that the Constitution should not be rigidly structured. In the rapidly changing world of late 18th century America, the Founders were keenly aware of the role modernity would play in the evolving perceptions of contemporaries and wished to leave room for discretion. However, the Founders still deemed it necessary to add what is known as “congressional limitations” to the text of America’s Constitution. Article 1, section 9, clearly enumerates the limits of federal power that the Founding Fathers viewed as essential to the survival of the Constitution; it acts as a prelude to the Bill of Rights.
Of the seven enumerated limits of Congress listed in article 1, section 9; three are dedicated to issues relating to commerce: 1. “No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.” This was added to insure free trade for American merchants and to promote a global U.S. economy. 2.”No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another.” This clause was inserted to limit the ability of the federal government to influence the votes of any state or geographic region via the power of the purse. 3. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” This was to affect a more virtuous government where representatives’ votes could not be bought with taxpayer funds and to insure that its elected officials would be held accountable for their actions.
Clearly, the Founding Fathers sensed the direct correlation between the people’s right to freedom of commerce and the perpetuation of American democracy. When a government controls the commerce of its citizenry, these citizens then become its subjects; those who control the money, by default, control the people. It is worth noting that nearly every world dictator who has successfully overthrown a democracy has achieved this by one of two methods - by war, or by the implementation of socialism. When a people’s livelihood is dependent on the whims of government, democracy cannot long endure. Human nature dictates that people will not bite the hand that feeds them. This subjection to the government's will, is exactly what the Founders had feared. It is this scenario that encouraged the Founders to limit the government’s control over commerce and trade in America.
Is it any wonder then, that in the year 2010, the Tea Party Movement is flourishing in America? The Obama Administration’s policy of oppressive taxation on commercial industry, coupled with massive entitlement spending, is an existential threat to our democracy. As American private sector employment is rapidly diminishing, the scope of our government is multiplying. Excessive burdens on our commercial class are allowing for a de facto public takeover. Due to the policies of the Obama Administration and our current congressional leadership, the private sector can no longer compete with its public counterpart. This leaves small businesses and corporations at the mercy of our federal government and eliminates their ability to create jobs and to invest in future enterprise. With the unemployment rate at nearly 10%, more and more Americans now look to their government for aid. If this trend is not reversed in the near future, it will irreparably damage our nation. America may become a true welfare state with its people beholden to its government and its traditional work ethic negated.
Obama-Care, the Dodd financial reform bill, cap & trade and many other initiatives, all foretell the end of commercial freedom in America. While the Obama White House will tell you these are necessary measures designed to nurture the American people, the Constitution will tell you otherwise. In the words of Alexander Hamilton, a chief architect of our Founding document, “The power over a man’s subsistence, amounts to the power over his will”. The White House has initiated a constitutional rebellion; the people must now subdue it. They must vote into office, at every level of government, true representatives of the people. Freedom of commerce is a constitutional right that must prevail to sustain our democracy.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Article 1, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, enumerates the specific and limited powers granted to the federal Congress. The Senate and the House of Representatives are allowed the ability to create all laws deemed “necessary and proper” for carrying into execution these limited powers. This “necessary and proper” clause was worded as such, due to the Founding Fathers’ belief that the Constitution should not be rigidly structured. In the rapidly changing world of late 18th century America, the Founders were keenly aware of the role modernity would play in the evolving perceptions of contemporaries and wished to leave room for discretion. However, the Founders still deemed it necessary to add what is known as “congressional limitations” to the text of America’s Constitution. Article 1, section 9, clearly enumerates the limits of federal power that the Founding Fathers viewed as essential to the survival of the Constitution; it acts as a prelude to the Bill of Rights.
Of the seven enumerated limits of Congress listed in article 1, section 9; three are dedicated to issues relating to commerce: 1. “No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.” This was added to insure free trade for American merchants and to promote a global U.S. economy. 2.”No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another.” This clause was inserted to limit the ability of the federal government to influence the votes of any state or geographic region via the power of the purse. 3. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” This was to affect a more virtuous government where representatives’ votes could not be bought with taxpayer funds and to insure that its elected officials would be held accountable for their actions.
Clearly, the Founding Fathers sensed the direct correlation between the people’s right to freedom of commerce and the perpetuation of American democracy. When a government controls the commerce of its citizenry, these citizens then become its subjects; those who control the money, by default, control the people. It is worth noting that nearly every world dictator who has successfully overthrown a democracy has achieved this by one of two methods - by war, or by the implementation of socialism. When a people’s livelihood is dependent on the whims of government, democracy cannot long endure. Human nature dictates that people will not bite the hand that feeds them. This subjection to the government's will, is exactly what the Founders had feared. It is this scenario that encouraged the Founders to limit the government’s control over commerce and trade in America.
Is it any wonder then, that in the year 2010, the Tea Party Movement is flourishing in America? The Obama Administration’s policy of oppressive taxation on commercial industry, coupled with massive entitlement spending, is an existential threat to our democracy. As American private sector employment is rapidly diminishing, the scope of our government is multiplying. Excessive burdens on our commercial class are allowing for a de facto public takeover. Due to the policies of the Obama Administration and our current congressional leadership, the private sector can no longer compete with its public counterpart. This leaves small businesses and corporations at the mercy of our federal government and eliminates their ability to create jobs and to invest in future enterprise. With the unemployment rate at nearly 10%, more and more Americans now look to their government for aid. If this trend is not reversed in the near future, it will irreparably damage our nation. America may become a true welfare state with its people beholden to its government and its traditional work ethic negated.
Obama-Care, the Dodd financial reform bill, cap & trade and many other initiatives, all foretell the end of commercial freedom in America. While the Obama White House will tell you these are necessary measures designed to nurture the American people, the Constitution will tell you otherwise. In the words of Alexander Hamilton, a chief architect of our Founding document, “The power over a man’s subsistence, amounts to the power over his will”. The White House has initiated a constitutional rebellion; the people must now subdue it. They must vote into office, at every level of government, true representatives of the people. Freedom of commerce is a constitutional right that must prevail to sustain our democracy.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My Republican Party
The Republican Party that I belong to is the party of freedom; freedom of speech, religion and the press; freedom of commerce for individuals, for markets and for trade; freedom of choice in the schools and at home. It is the party of small government; of maximum individual liberties consistent with law and order. To insure these freedoms, my Republican Party advocates a strong national defense based on missile defense, technological superiority and a military strategy prepared for any and all contingencies. History has proven that an America most prepared for war is an America least likely to have to enter one.
It is hard to imagine a greater challenge to Republican values than the presidency of Barack Obama and the reign of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The scope of our government is expanding at a record pace while individual autonomy is diminishing. As the November midterm elections approach, Republicans, nationwide, face a split within their ranks. The reformist and regressive wings of the party are battling for dominance within the organization. The reformist Republicans seek to nominate candidates with strong, conservative values and coherent plans to fix what is broken and undo what was done. The regressive Republicans differ by offering moderate candidates who they believe are more likely to win the upcoming elections. The regressive candidates will stop the nation’s bleeding while the reformers will eliminate the wound. It is an intraparty battle between political expediency and ideological fortitude; between fighting for a cause and fighting for fighting’s sake.
Leaders of the reformist Republican movement have refused to steer off course. They have maintained an offensive posture, believing their vision of America to be the key to its salvation. Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor have consistently offered comprehensive alternatives to high taxes, big government and runaway spending. They seek to elect strong, conservative candidates throughout the nation who will better represent their party’s values. Their moderate counterparts, such as Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn are recruiting candidates with a more conciliatory posture and a less confrontational stance. These regressive Republicans, though sympathetic to the reformists’ cause, are willing to placate the administration in hopes of achieving their more modest agenda through attrition rather than conflict. Thus, many summer primaries will likely decide the future of the party and the nation as a whole.
Appeasement is never a viable option for those who seek reform. My Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln, devoted to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. It is the party that will relentlessly fight to achieve those ideals while maintaining due respect for our Constitution. My Republican Party is the party of Ronald Reagan, who simply could not accept a decline in American exceptionalism, as was the inclination of his predecessor. He knew in his heart that America’s moral superiority was the key to its survival. My Republican Party knows that ours is a nation whose government is beholden to its people and not to its heads of state; that individuals and communities are the sources of its strength and the masters of its fate. My Republican Party trusts the people to trust themselves and exemplifies the values of our representative republic.
Election Day, 2010, will decide the fate of our country for many years to come. The people of America will decide whether they want an ever-expanding, omnipotent government or a shift back to the vision of its founders. The mission of my party, as I see it, is to insure that the people are offered this choice; to provide a clear alternative to big-government rule. The task at hand is to nominate candidates, at every level of government, who will better represent the values of their constituents and provide them with a voice in the affairs of our nation. My Republican Party, with roots in conservatism and sweeping reform, will pass to the public the political megaphone and reassert the power of the American people; for mine is the party that is keenly aware that when the voice of the people is silenced………liberty is lost.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
It is hard to imagine a greater challenge to Republican values than the presidency of Barack Obama and the reign of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The scope of our government is expanding at a record pace while individual autonomy is diminishing. As the November midterm elections approach, Republicans, nationwide, face a split within their ranks. The reformist and regressive wings of the party are battling for dominance within the organization. The reformist Republicans seek to nominate candidates with strong, conservative values and coherent plans to fix what is broken and undo what was done. The regressive Republicans differ by offering moderate candidates who they believe are more likely to win the upcoming elections. The regressive candidates will stop the nation’s bleeding while the reformers will eliminate the wound. It is an intraparty battle between political expediency and ideological fortitude; between fighting for a cause and fighting for fighting’s sake.
Leaders of the reformist Republican movement have refused to steer off course. They have maintained an offensive posture, believing their vision of America to be the key to its salvation. Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor have consistently offered comprehensive alternatives to high taxes, big government and runaway spending. They seek to elect strong, conservative candidates throughout the nation who will better represent their party’s values. Their moderate counterparts, such as Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn are recruiting candidates with a more conciliatory posture and a less confrontational stance. These regressive Republicans, though sympathetic to the reformists’ cause, are willing to placate the administration in hopes of achieving their more modest agenda through attrition rather than conflict. Thus, many summer primaries will likely decide the future of the party and the nation as a whole.
Appeasement is never a viable option for those who seek reform. My Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln, devoted to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. It is the party that will relentlessly fight to achieve those ideals while maintaining due respect for our Constitution. My Republican Party is the party of Ronald Reagan, who simply could not accept a decline in American exceptionalism, as was the inclination of his predecessor. He knew in his heart that America’s moral superiority was the key to its survival. My Republican Party knows that ours is a nation whose government is beholden to its people and not to its heads of state; that individuals and communities are the sources of its strength and the masters of its fate. My Republican Party trusts the people to trust themselves and exemplifies the values of our representative republic.
Election Day, 2010, will decide the fate of our country for many years to come. The people of America will decide whether they want an ever-expanding, omnipotent government or a shift back to the vision of its founders. The mission of my party, as I see it, is to insure that the people are offered this choice; to provide a clear alternative to big-government rule. The task at hand is to nominate candidates, at every level of government, who will better represent the values of their constituents and provide them with a voice in the affairs of our nation. My Republican Party, with roots in conservatism and sweeping reform, will pass to the public the political megaphone and reassert the power of the American people; for mine is the party that is keenly aware that when the voice of the people is silenced………liberty is lost.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Truth Of A Nuclear Iran
As detrimental as President Obama’s domestic policies are with regard to American capitalism, it is his timid foreign policy that will ultimately pose the gravest threat to American democracy. Though the president’s policy of massive entitlement programs, runaway spending and escalating taxes will surely result in the continued economic hardship of our generation, these laws and regulations, with proper legislative leadership, may one day be repealed. However, the Iranian possession of nuclear weaponry, once acquired, will be permanent. Only war and the risk of an atomic apocalypse will wrest Iran of its nuclear armament. In the 1930’s, Winston Churchill warned often and earnestly of Adolf Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’ which foretold the future dictator’s ideology and plans of world domination. Lacking strong leadership at the time of Hitler’s ascension, the world sat back and watched as Hitler brought these plans to fruition. It was not until Churchill became Prime Minister that Nazi Germany was forced to face a strong and concerted resistance. Eventually, with the addition of Franklin Roosevelt’s American war machine, the Allies were able to triumph.
Optimism, by definition, is the belief that good will ultimately prevail over evil; I personally subscribe to this philosophy, but I believe that the cost of that victory is subject to the strength of character and to the moral fortitude of the leaders fighting for its cause. Pre-Churchillian Europe is a prime example of the consequences rendered by weak national leadership and by a failure to face reality. Had British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain heeded the warnings of Winston Churchill and moved to stop Hitler’s publicly professed agenda before it grew in scope, many of the horrific events of World War II may have been avoided.
Human liberty requires eternal vigilance to insure its own survival; this, in turn, requires decisive leadership and a willingness to confront evil. Ronald Reagan used to say that freedom is always only one generation away from extinction and history has confirmed his wisdom. His policy of expanding American nuclear strength while simultaneously seeking to eliminate the nuclear threat through disarmament, missile defense and the assurance that, if attacked, America would reciprocate in kind, led to a relative ease in Russo/American tensions and to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan’s policy of peace through strength was directly responsible for the end of the Cold War and should serve as a basic philosophical tenant for all American presidents.
Iran, a nation that has continuously expressed a malicious contempt for the American way of life, has vowed for decades to destroy our nation and that of our Israeli allies. They hate us not only for what we do, but for who we are and what we represent. No amount of American concessions will change that. By most estimates Iran is now only months away from nuclear capability and if they succeed in achieving this, the balance of world power will irrevocably change for the worse. As with Hitler in the 1930’s, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made clear his intention to eliminate the Jewish race and anyone in support of Israel. In vivid detail, he has consistently expressed his intent to radicalize the Americas, planting Iranian forces in Venezuela, Ecuador and Cuba to achieve this. The cruel intentions and nefarious motives of this soon to be nuclear nation are readily available for the world to see, but as was the case in World War II, the leaders of the Western world are ignoring the threat. President Obama continues to push the United Nations for economic sanctions against Iranian interests. These sanctions are inherently weak in structure and will prove meaningless in their application. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the only national leader who appears willing to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities before they are fully functional. His efforts are being obstructed, however, by President Obama who has threatened Israel with American abandonment if and when Israel launches a preemptive military strike.
Many White House officials have expressed a willingness to accept a nuclear Iran and to adhere to a policy of containment akin to that of the Cold War. Unlike Russia of the twentieth century, Iran holds little concern for the lives of its subjects and would be prepared to risk a nuclear reprisal in reaction to its own attack. Because President Obama, early in his term, had reneged on a Bush-Era deal with Poland to place a nuclear defense shield in Eastern Europe, Iran’s chances of launching a successful nuclear assault have increased exponentially. It is imperative that America, or one of its allies, take immediate action to curtail Iran’s nuclear program before we enter an irreversible path toward destruction.
For those opposed to a preemptive military strike to impede Iranian ambitions, I ask one simple question: If not now, then when? Do we wait for Ahmadinejad to be fully armed and to begin implementing his agenda of American destruction? Do we risk another holocaust due to a lack of moral fortitude? Good, ultimately will prevail over evil, but as we have learned from the lessons of World War II, the cost of victory may be devastating. Today’s revolutionary Iran is yesterday’s Nazi Germany; President Obama must come to accept this and face this truth directly. To deny the credibility of the Iranian threat would amount to a dangerous repeat of history. Containment of a nuclear Iran is not a viable strategy; it is one based on wishful thinking more so than reality. To quote the words of the late, great Winston Churchill: “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” President Obama would be wise to take heed of the wisdom of Winston Churchill and, once and for all, face the truth of a nuclear Iran.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Optimism, by definition, is the belief that good will ultimately prevail over evil; I personally subscribe to this philosophy, but I believe that the cost of that victory is subject to the strength of character and to the moral fortitude of the leaders fighting for its cause. Pre-Churchillian Europe is a prime example of the consequences rendered by weak national leadership and by a failure to face reality. Had British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain heeded the warnings of Winston Churchill and moved to stop Hitler’s publicly professed agenda before it grew in scope, many of the horrific events of World War II may have been avoided.
Human liberty requires eternal vigilance to insure its own survival; this, in turn, requires decisive leadership and a willingness to confront evil. Ronald Reagan used to say that freedom is always only one generation away from extinction and history has confirmed his wisdom. His policy of expanding American nuclear strength while simultaneously seeking to eliminate the nuclear threat through disarmament, missile defense and the assurance that, if attacked, America would reciprocate in kind, led to a relative ease in Russo/American tensions and to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan’s policy of peace through strength was directly responsible for the end of the Cold War and should serve as a basic philosophical tenant for all American presidents.
Iran, a nation that has continuously expressed a malicious contempt for the American way of life, has vowed for decades to destroy our nation and that of our Israeli allies. They hate us not only for what we do, but for who we are and what we represent. No amount of American concessions will change that. By most estimates Iran is now only months away from nuclear capability and if they succeed in achieving this, the balance of world power will irrevocably change for the worse. As with Hitler in the 1930’s, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made clear his intention to eliminate the Jewish race and anyone in support of Israel. In vivid detail, he has consistently expressed his intent to radicalize the Americas, planting Iranian forces in Venezuela, Ecuador and Cuba to achieve this. The cruel intentions and nefarious motives of this soon to be nuclear nation are readily available for the world to see, but as was the case in World War II, the leaders of the Western world are ignoring the threat. President Obama continues to push the United Nations for economic sanctions against Iranian interests. These sanctions are inherently weak in structure and will prove meaningless in their application. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the only national leader who appears willing to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities before they are fully functional. His efforts are being obstructed, however, by President Obama who has threatened Israel with American abandonment if and when Israel launches a preemptive military strike.
Many White House officials have expressed a willingness to accept a nuclear Iran and to adhere to a policy of containment akin to that of the Cold War. Unlike Russia of the twentieth century, Iran holds little concern for the lives of its subjects and would be prepared to risk a nuclear reprisal in reaction to its own attack. Because President Obama, early in his term, had reneged on a Bush-Era deal with Poland to place a nuclear defense shield in Eastern Europe, Iran’s chances of launching a successful nuclear assault have increased exponentially. It is imperative that America, or one of its allies, take immediate action to curtail Iran’s nuclear program before we enter an irreversible path toward destruction.
For those opposed to a preemptive military strike to impede Iranian ambitions, I ask one simple question: If not now, then when? Do we wait for Ahmadinejad to be fully armed and to begin implementing his agenda of American destruction? Do we risk another holocaust due to a lack of moral fortitude? Good, ultimately will prevail over evil, but as we have learned from the lessons of World War II, the cost of victory may be devastating. Today’s revolutionary Iran is yesterday’s Nazi Germany; President Obama must come to accept this and face this truth directly. To deny the credibility of the Iranian threat would amount to a dangerous repeat of history. Containment of a nuclear Iran is not a viable strategy; it is one based on wishful thinking more so than reality. To quote the words of the late, great Winston Churchill: “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” President Obama would be wise to take heed of the wisdom of Winston Churchill and, once and for all, face the truth of a nuclear Iran.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Voters Beware Of The Chameleon Candidate
By definition, a chameleon is a lizard of the old world family with the unique ability to change its colors according to the expediency of its situation. Some political candidates will say or do anything to win an election. They will buy a home in a neighborhood based on the strategic significance of the district rather than on a heartfelt desire to live there; they will embrace an ideology based on the trends of their potential constituency rather than as a result of long held convictions; they will use their money to buy public endorsements rather than to earn a legitimate following. While this type of demagoguery is certainly not new to American politics, it is particularly dangerous in this year’s midterm election. Because so many citizens feel that they were hoodwinked in the elections of 2008, this year’s electorate has shifted sharply to the political right. The American people are demanding a decrease in the scope and the power of our federal government. They are embracing a philosophy of fiscal responsibility, tax cuts, individual autonomy, strong national defense and control of our national borders. This has led to many a candidate’s claim of ties to conservatism, but few possess a résumé to affirm this. An informed citizenry is the key to our nation’s salvation; the American people must be able to separate truth from fiction as they attempt to decipher the words of potential representatives. Candidates must be carefully scrutinized in order to insure that their record is consistent with their rhetoric. Recent history has taught us that a candidate’s past affiliations, speeches and writings are much more indicative of his or her future actions than any campaign slogan or talking point. Taking this into consideration, a clear mantra has developed for the electorate of 2010: Voters Beware.
Voters beware of candidates who claim to promote job creation but have passed and supported legislation detrimental to its achievement. Obama-Care, financial reform, cap & trade and countless other recent congressional measures have only served to impair small business, the lifeblood of job expansion.
Voters beware of candidates who claim they will not increase taxes. Because the Bush tax-cuts are soon to expire and because many tax-hikes have already been approved but have not yet taken effect, 2011 will produce the largest tax increase in our nation’s history. Candidates who do not vow to cut taxes on a massive scale will simply be raising them by default.
Voters beware of candidates who blame Wall Street and bankers for our fiscal woes. This type of candidate ignores our government’s role in misguided regulations, its trust in an all-powerful Federal Reserve, its approval of excessive housing subsidies and an energy policy dependent on hostile foreign nations. This candidate is content with placing the blame elsewhere rather than confronting and fixing the problem. It is imperative that we seek out candidates, at all levels of government, who offer detailed and comprehensive plans to reform broken government systems such as pensions, tax codes and immigration.
It is essential that voters analyze the records of incumbent candidates and be cognizant of their previous endorsements. It is these endorsements that will provide the clearest indication of how they will vote in the future. Rarely does a tiger change its stripes and campaign rhetoric may prove meaningless after Election Day. Past affiliations and prior political advocacies are the means by which to judge a first time candidate’s intent. Anyone seeking elected office will likely have a paper trail of past endorsements and/or political commentary. If they lack a record of involvement in public debate, voters should also beware; this may indicate a desire to propagate their own self interest rather than a deeply held conviction to serve a greater good.
Voters should beware of sunshine patriots, chameleon candidates and the intrigue of blind ambition; we cannot, again, fall prey to the lures of public deception. Our nation’s future prosperity depends on this year’s election of honorable candidates who will back up their words with actions. Ideological inconsistency is indicative of a candidate’s lack of political integrity and should not be taken lightly. As we have learned from the elections of 2008, where there is smoke there is sure to be fire. All candidates should be carefully scrutinized before being granted the trust of their prospective constituency. Citizens should judge candidates not only on the content of their message but on the character of the person delivering it. This will insure that the will of the people is recognized and acted upon in the course of the following term. A well informed citizenry is the key to our nation’s success; careful and independent analysis of each political candidate is essential to achieving this goal. The American people must learn from previous mistakes and arrive at the realization that a vote is a terrible thing to waste.
Voters beware of the chameleon candidate who will say or do anything to win an election. Upon taking office, these old world lizards will promptly shed their skin and expose their true agenda.
Voters beware of candidates who claim to promote job creation but have passed and supported legislation detrimental to its achievement. Obama-Care, financial reform, cap & trade and countless other recent congressional measures have only served to impair small business, the lifeblood of job expansion.
Voters beware of candidates who claim they will not increase taxes. Because the Bush tax-cuts are soon to expire and because many tax-hikes have already been approved but have not yet taken effect, 2011 will produce the largest tax increase in our nation’s history. Candidates who do not vow to cut taxes on a massive scale will simply be raising them by default.
Voters beware of candidates who blame Wall Street and bankers for our fiscal woes. This type of candidate ignores our government’s role in misguided regulations, its trust in an all-powerful Federal Reserve, its approval of excessive housing subsidies and an energy policy dependent on hostile foreign nations. This candidate is content with placing the blame elsewhere rather than confronting and fixing the problem. It is imperative that we seek out candidates, at all levels of government, who offer detailed and comprehensive plans to reform broken government systems such as pensions, tax codes and immigration.
It is essential that voters analyze the records of incumbent candidates and be cognizant of their previous endorsements. It is these endorsements that will provide the clearest indication of how they will vote in the future. Rarely does a tiger change its stripes and campaign rhetoric may prove meaningless after Election Day. Past affiliations and prior political advocacies are the means by which to judge a first time candidate’s intent. Anyone seeking elected office will likely have a paper trail of past endorsements and/or political commentary. If they lack a record of involvement in public debate, voters should also beware; this may indicate a desire to propagate their own self interest rather than a deeply held conviction to serve a greater good.
Voters should beware of sunshine patriots, chameleon candidates and the intrigue of blind ambition; we cannot, again, fall prey to the lures of public deception. Our nation’s future prosperity depends on this year’s election of honorable candidates who will back up their words with actions. Ideological inconsistency is indicative of a candidate’s lack of political integrity and should not be taken lightly. As we have learned from the elections of 2008, where there is smoke there is sure to be fire. All candidates should be carefully scrutinized before being granted the trust of their prospective constituency. Citizens should judge candidates not only on the content of their message but on the character of the person delivering it. This will insure that the will of the people is recognized and acted upon in the course of the following term. A well informed citizenry is the key to our nation’s success; careful and independent analysis of each political candidate is essential to achieving this goal. The American people must learn from previous mistakes and arrive at the realization that a vote is a terrible thing to waste.
Voters beware of the chameleon candidate who will say or do anything to win an election. Upon taking office, these old world lizards will promptly shed their skin and expose their true agenda.
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