The Republican Party that I belong to is the party of freedom; freedom of speech, religion and the press; freedom of commerce for individuals, for markets and for trade; freedom of choice in the schools and at home. It is the party of small government; of maximum individual liberties consistent with law and order. To insure these freedoms, my Republican Party advocates a strong national defense based on missile defense, technological superiority and a military strategy prepared for any and all contingencies. History has proven that an America most prepared for war is an America least likely to have to enter one.
It is hard to imagine a greater challenge to Republican values than the presidency of Barack Obama and the reign of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The scope of our government is expanding at a record pace while individual autonomy is diminishing. As the November midterm elections approach, Republicans, nationwide, face a split within their ranks. The reformist and regressive wings of the party are battling for dominance within the organization. The reformist Republicans seek to nominate candidates with strong, conservative values and coherent plans to fix what is broken and undo what was done. The regressive Republicans differ by offering moderate candidates who they believe are more likely to win the upcoming elections. The regressive candidates will stop the nation’s bleeding while the reformers will eliminate the wound. It is an intraparty battle between political expediency and ideological fortitude; between fighting for a cause and fighting for fighting’s sake.
Leaders of the reformist Republican movement have refused to steer off course. They have maintained an offensive posture, believing their vision of America to be the key to its salvation. Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor have consistently offered comprehensive alternatives to high taxes, big government and runaway spending. They seek to elect strong, conservative candidates throughout the nation who will better represent their party’s values. Their moderate counterparts, such as Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn are recruiting candidates with a more conciliatory posture and a less confrontational stance. These regressive Republicans, though sympathetic to the reformists’ cause, are willing to placate the administration in hopes of achieving their more modest agenda through attrition rather than conflict. Thus, many summer primaries will likely decide the future of the party and the nation as a whole.
Appeasement is never a viable option for those who seek reform. My Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln, devoted to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. It is the party that will relentlessly fight to achieve those ideals while maintaining due respect for our Constitution. My Republican Party is the party of Ronald Reagan, who simply could not accept a decline in American exceptionalism, as was the inclination of his predecessor. He knew in his heart that America’s moral superiority was the key to its survival. My Republican Party knows that ours is a nation whose government is beholden to its people and not to its heads of state; that individuals and communities are the sources of its strength and the masters of its fate. My Republican Party trusts the people to trust themselves and exemplifies the values of our representative republic.
Election Day, 2010, will decide the fate of our country for many years to come. The people of America will decide whether they want an ever-expanding, omnipotent government or a shift back to the vision of its founders. The mission of my party, as I see it, is to insure that the people are offered this choice; to provide a clear alternative to big-government rule. The task at hand is to nominate candidates, at every level of government, who will better represent the values of their constituents and provide them with a voice in the affairs of our nation. My Republican Party, with roots in conservatism and sweeping reform, will pass to the public the political megaphone and reassert the power of the American people; for mine is the party that is keenly aware that when the voice of the people is silenced………liberty is lost.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
A quest for the Coservative dream: Tax Cuts, Fiscal Conservation & Maximum Individual Freedoms Consistent with Law & Order
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