When something is broken in the natural world, action is required to fix it. Sometimes the remedy is as simple as tightening a screw, while some things are simply irreparable. In physics, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the world becomes more disorderly with each passing second of time; that the universe is inexorably headed toward a permanent state of chaos. Physical objects, once broken, cannot regain their original integrity; they can only be reformed. This reformation, though leaving something to be desired in the world of physical properties, takes on a positive role in the theoretical world of government. The State of New York is broken and there is no screw presently utilized that is capable of securing its repair. The economy of the Empire State is headed toward a permanent state of chaos; a reformation of its current laws and regulations is the only hope for recovery.
New York’s state and local tax burden is rated as the 2nd highest in America. Our residents now pay $6,419 per capita in state and local taxes, equating to 11.7% of the average New York income. Our State has the 5th highest ranking in property taxes and has been deemed the 2nd least business friendly State with regard to corporate, sales, payroll, unemployment and commercial property taxes. Clearly these policies are directly related to New York’s current fiscal crisis and they must be addressed if our goal is to redeem the economy.
If the political leaders of New York would simply pass laws that would reduce the cost of doing business, job growth and investment would follow. The revenue lost by the diminished tax rates would be counteracted and expanded upon by an influx of company startups and the jobs they would necessarily create. All New Yorkers would benefit from business tax reductions. Additionally, a cap on property tax increases would prove most beneficial. Not only would this measure help to curb the disturbing trend of mortgage foreclosures that have become so prevalent on Long Island, but it would help to sustain New York’s population growth which, for decades, has been on the decline. These tax reductions, in conjunction with responsible spending, are the time tested reforms that New York desperately needs.
Obviously New York is broken and now is the time to fix it. Action is required to achieve this end but our current leadership has remained inanimate. Natural law dictates that a reformed physical object is chaotic in comparison to its original state of existence. However, the laws of Mother Nature can prove contrary to the laws of Government. Virtually every seat in our State’s government is up for grabs this November. Our representatives in Congress and the Senate will be subject to election as well. Voters must carefully scrutinize all candidates in order to ascertain who is responsible for New York’s current state of disorder and who will possess the courage and the fortitude to fight the status quo. While the second law of thermodynamics may be unavoidable in the world of physical properties, the chaos it implies and the disorder it necessitates need not apply to New York.
Jeremy Pitcoff
Smithtown Republican Committeeman
A quest for the Coservative dream: Tax Cuts, Fiscal Conservation & Maximum Individual Freedoms Consistent with Law & Order
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